
Archive | web2.0

thought web 2.0 was a nebulous term?

my friend adam passed along this insane job description for “social media officer” at the university of toronto. Experience: Minimum five years experience working in the field of new media from a content perspective, including web design/architecture, preferably in a large organization. A high degree of knowledge of and experience with ‚ÄúWeb 2.0‚Äù tools (Wikis, […]

the political economy of facebook (or, why we hate facebook but keep using it)

i found an amazing article today on the political economy of facebook, myspace and the other usual suspects written by ryan bigge (former adbusters staffer before kalle lasn went apeshit and turned the mag into an antisemitic brand of shoes). basically, bigge argues that use of social networking sites can actually be seen as unpaid […]

web2.0 and development

i’m moderating a panel on monday about web2.0 and development issues at a conference run by netsquared. happily, the conference is suitably web2.0 compliant and buzzworld enabled which means, of course, you can all participate online! i’ll be asking questions that are submitted to the conference site so if you have any interest in ict4d, […]