A surprising thing happened today: the Global and Mail ran a story by Ivor Tossell about… wait for it… rickrollling! (thanks Luke for the link, I’m glad someone still reads the paper;) ) I’ve been lamenting the sad state of journalistic reporting on internet culture for a while (in fact, it was part of the […]
Archive | internet culture
but i don’t want to be your friend on the internet!
academic internet culture internet friendship thesisFono got me playing zefranks new project, colorwars which he’s doing entirely through Twitter (which is pretty cool in itself… earlier this year I wanted to run a pervasive game through Twitter but that’s another story entirely) anyway, you have to add zefrank on Twitter to play. So I did and to my surprise: Hi, […]
The new Twitter… is lulz
academic internet culture internets memes roflcon thesisEveryone wants to know what the next big thing on the internets is gonna be… At SXSW everyone wanted to know” what’s the new Twitter?” We’ll I’m not exactly sure, but I think it has something to do with lulz. Why? One word: ROFLCon… Mix up a bunch of super famous internet memes, some brainy […]