[Edit 23 May 2014] As of May 2014, my PhD was the 6th most downloaded thesis of all time from Curtin Library’s eSpace. In July, my PhD thesis passed examination. Today, after making the required (thankfully minor) revisions, I submitted the final version to my university! Download [pdf] or access via Curtin Library repository (eSpace) Raynes-Goldie, K. […]
Archive | californian ideology
The Philosophy of Facebook (or, the real reason Facebook doesn’t care about privacy)
academic californian ideology cybernetics facebook philosophy of facebook thesisUpdate: This is an early brain dump of some of the core concepts in my PhD thesis, which I’ve now completed. For a more fleshed out version of this, please see my dissertation, which can be downloaded here. To say that Facebook does not care about privacy is really only half the story. Maybe even […]