At the end of last year, I decided to delete my Facebook account because I was so angry with how hard it was to delete your account (among various other common complaints about said site). For I while, I had no Facebook account. Now I have two, which I realise is really weird considering my […]
Archive | academic
Anonymous and wikis: the future of e-democracy?
academic anonymous democracy vibewire wikisCheck out Vibewire’s e-festival of ideas in the e-Participation: Fad or future? forum. There’s a really interesting discussion going on this week about the future of politics and democracy in the age of the internet. By interesting, I mean it avoids a lot of the tired political science-y old school super abstract stuff… instead we […]
but i don’t want to be your friend on the internet!
academic internet culture internet friendship thesisFono got me playing zefranks new project, colorwars which he’s doing entirely through Twitter (which is pretty cool in itself… earlier this year I wanted to run a pervasive game through Twitter but that’s another story entirely) anyway, you have to add zefrank on Twitter to play. So I did and to my surprise: Hi, […]
The new Twitter… is lulz
academic internet culture internets memes roflcon thesisEveryone wants to know what the next big thing on the internets is gonna be… At SXSW everyone wanted to know” what’s the new Twitter?” We’ll I’m not exactly sure, but I think it has something to do with lulz. Why? One word: ROFLCon… Mix up a bunch of super famous internet memes, some brainy […]
You’re the 1990s
academic notacon thesisAfter our inaugural Psychogeographers of Ontario (POO!) walk, I dragged Helen, Luke and Dana to this used bookstore I’d been eyeing for a few weeks on College. I walked out with two old Margaret Atwoods and a Virginia Woolf for $3 a piece, but the real gem I found was Arthur Kroker‘s totally ridiculous pomo […]
Facebook: still normal
academic facebook sxsw sxswi thesisOkay, so SXSW is so last week, but I hate blogging while I’m at things because I like to digest and reflect, but also, I like to actually enjoy things while I’m there (you can blog when you get home!). Thus, I present part one of my fashionably late reflections on Facebook from SXSW interactive: […]
World Domination!
academic facebook mediaI’ve been quietly doing my ethnography and have been naughty about blogging since being back in Canada (a.k.a. I haven’t). I think all the snow makes me sleepy. But! The coolest thing evah happened to me over the past two weeks. I was interviewed about Facebook for three very different newspaper articles, language, topic and […]
Facebook is normal
academic canada facebook thesis torontoI’ve been back in Toronto since late December working on my social web ethnography, which – surprise surprise – has quickly evolved into just being about Facebook because people in Toronto are completely nuts for Facebook.When I left Canada for Australia, Facebook was huge in Toronto (we had the largest network in the world, but […]
All that is Fuct with Facebook: a Summary
academic conference facebook night'sedge panel thesisI did a panel at the Night’s Edge Cyberpunk conference last weekend about privacy and IP issues in the age of Google and Facebook. It ended up being a good summary of what I think is freaking everyone out about Facebook these days. Anyway, since I have to write everything down or I’ll forget, I […]
So, you want to delete your Facebook profile… (Part 2)
academic facebook thesisI held off writing this until I had actually done the deed. And I kept put off doing the deed because I knew it would be mind numbingly boring and time consuming for reasons I’ll elaborate on in a sec. But it is done, my Facebook profile is all deleted. At first, they only let […]