It has started. Last year it was all MySpace in Perth, but I’ve started overhearing conversations about Facebook on the street and seeing kids using it on the computers at school. Then this morning, while looking for info on their super gross breakfasts for a top secret project, I found out that Hungry Jack’s (the […]
Archive | academic
(mainstreaming of?) social networking fatigue
academic funny sns thesisan e-card from someecards. [thanks daniel reda and stef carmichael!]
Toronto: I want my Facebook!
academic facebook thesis torontoThe other day, I was biking up the Bathurst hill and I passed the Telus billboard advertising Facebook mobile on their phones for the upteenth time. Fun fact: Rogers was the first to advertise their Facebook mobile service, followed by Bell and Telus. The billboard reminded me of sign I saw on the window of […]
As seen on Queen West West
academic facebook thesis torontoThere was a rather ratty looking guy with crazy dirty hair carrying a desktop computer, three rods of something, a half exploded tv-like electronic device of some sort and two bags of miscellaneous parts, all while trying to ride a bike… and he was wearing a blue FACEBOOK SWEATSHIRT.
ROFLCon documentary airing this week on CBC!
academic cbc roflcon spark thesisMy ROFLCon documentary is airing this morning at 11:30 ET on CBC radio, and again Saturday at 4pm. It features Tron Guy, David Weinberger, Leslie Hall and Anil Dash. Yay! It’s also up on the Spark blog for your on demand listening pleasure (skip to 17:51). For my first ever time doing radio, I think […]
making friends without the internet
academic facebook friends stalking thesisthere’s this guy that i started talking to… well… he started talking to me, at bathurst station, and we talked all the way up to claxton on the #7 bus. he isn’t on facebook (he told me) and when i tried to google stalk him, there were no results. except for this other guy with […]
Video of my interview with Tron Guy!
academic boston cbc jay maynard mit roflcon spark travel tron guy videoI’m back from ROFLCon (*tear*) with my computer full of interviews with internet celebs and thinkers, which I’m working on turning into a radio doc for CBC’s Spark. I’m just working out with the folks at Spark about what to do with all of the extra audio that doesn’t make the doc (there’s so much […]
Leslie Hall’s mum!
academic leslie hall rena hall roflconThere was a rumour (on the internets!!1) that Leslie Hall‘s mother was going to be at ROFLCon. I have a theory that awesome women usually have awesome mothers, so I just had to talk to Leslie’s. I found Rena Hall at Leslie’s t-shirt booth, adding the finishing touches to the gold corn shoulderpads for that […]
ROFLCon here we come!
academic boston cbc roflcon spark travelLuke, my ever trusty internet conference co-adventurer and mischief maker and I are off this afternoon on our two-day geek pilgrimage roadtrip to Boston for ROFLCon. We’re going to stop in Syracuse to go to TGI Friday’s, which I’m probably way more excited about than I should be. I’m going to be guest blogging my […]
Non-nerds can now read about rickrolling in newspaper
academic internet culture journalism rickrollA surprising thing happened today: the Global and Mail ran a story by Ivor Tossell about… wait for it… rickrollling! (thanks Luke for the link, I’m glad someone still reads the paper;) ) I’ve been lamenting the sad state of journalistic reporting on internet culture for a while (in fact, it was part of the […]